The 1942 Siege of Malta was an incredible, against-the-odds triumph for England's Royal Air Force and a small band of Canadian fliers. Historians have often compared this campaign to that other epic s
This book is about sixteen extraordinary bush planes that can be found in Canada's aviation museums. It is also a celebration of some of the greatest moments in Canadian history, when daring young pil
When James Cyril McCaffery joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and headed off to the second world war, he expected a rollicking adventure. What he experienced instead was the worst of aerial combat —
Billy Bishop was the top Canadian flying ace in the First World War, credited officially with a record-breaking 75 victories. He was a highly skilled pilot and an accurate shot. Bishop went from being
In this new edition of Billy Bishop: Canadian Hero, military aviation expert Dan McCaffery sets the record straight about one of this country's most famous and controversial figures. Fiercely ambitiou
Canadian pilots flew with great distinction in the First and Second World Wars and the Cold War. This book focuses on 24 outstanding warplanes flown in those conflicts by Canadians.Each warplane is pr