Daniel Russell examines Plato's subtle and insightful analysis of pleasure and explores its intimate connections with his discussions of value and human psychology. Russell offers a fresh perspective
Advances a new theory of consciousness based on insights gleaned from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and artificial intelligence, and clears away obsolete myths about the process of thinking
In graphic novel format, retells the classic story of Tom Sawyer, who witnesses a murder along with his friend Huck Finn, which is only the start of the adventure.
《The Voice and Voice Therapy》是語言治療師證照考試指定參考用書,論述一般嗓音障礙及特殊族群嗓音障礙,討論嗓音障礙分類及各類嗓音障礙處置方法。適用於修習嗓音障礙學的語言治療系所學生、臨床語言治療師及喉科醫師。原版出版於1971年,每次再版都納入更多專業領域的最新科學知識及近代的科技發展。本書為促進教學成效的新教學設計包括:●每章開頭增加「學習目標」。●每章內「腦力激盪」專