On an ordinary day, in an even more ordinary town, it was Albert's birthday. Just like every other year, Albert asked for something special --- a robot piñata? balloon poodles? chocolate-cherry-ripple
On an ordinary day, in an even more ordinary town, it was Albert’s birthday. When Grandma Z roars into town on her motorcycle, Albert is swept up in a very extraordinary adventure. Life may never be t
On an ordinary day, in an even more ordinary town, it was Albert’s birthday.When Grandma Z roars into town on her motorcycle, Albert is swept up in a very extraordinary adventure. Life may never be th
Poems are made to read OUT LOUD!A wittily illustrated anthology of poems, designed to be read aloud. Twenty poems by the award-winning Joseph Coelho arm children with techniques for lifting poetry off the page and performing with confidence. Perfect for confident children and shy readers alike, this book teaches all sorts of clever ways to performing poetry.Children will learn 20 techniques for reading aloud by trying out 20 funny and thoughtful original poems by the much-loved and award-winning performance poet, Joseph Coelho. There are tongue twisters, poems to project, poems to whisper, poems to make you laugh. There are poems to perform to a whole class and others to whisper in somebody's ear.Richly textured, warm and stylish illustration by Daniel Gray-Barnett bring each page to life. "Poetry for children is dead. Really? Not when there are young poets like Joseph Coelho" -Books for Keeps
A wittily illustrated anthology of poems, designed to be read aloud. 20 poems by the award winning Joseph Coelho will arm children with techniques for lifting poetry off the page and performing with c
From the fantastic duo behind Poems Aloud comes another compendium of poetry to read out loud and make you smile!Twenty five original poems from award winning poet Joseph Coelho designed to be read aloud to project confidence, conjure happiness, make you laugh or cheer others up. Some are odes, some can be said as personal mantras or just poems full of words that you can't help but smile when you hear them. This is a book for any child who wants to build confidence reading aloud, or wants a way to channel their speech and drama confidence.It is a book to foster a love of words and the power that comes with the spoken word. It will show children how speaking a poem aloud has a certain magic, almost like reading a spell. Poems can be read aloud to an audience, muttered quietly to oneself or whispered in the ear of someone who needs to hear some cheerful words.
A young kangaroo called Alexander lives in his mum, Nancy’s pocket. Alexander loves his mum, but there’s one thing she does that really drives him nuts. She is always putting stuff in her pocket. Alex