Vietnamese cuisine has developed over thousands of years with countless influences from other cultures. Full of authentic recipes, Culinary Vietnam teaches how the aspects of flavor, aroma, texture, c
In Money, Culture, and Well-Being in Rome's Economic Development, 0-275 CE, Daniel Hoyer offers a new approach to explain some of the remarkable achievements of Imperial Rome
Join author and chef Daniel Hoyer on a journey of discovery through the varied geography, culture, history, and cuisine of Mexico. Hoyer's creative collection of recipes from the vastly diverse regio
Tamales have endured for millennia, and are currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity due to the renaissance in Latin American and Mexican cooking. Today, tamales remain an important part of the
In his signature style, Daniel Hoyer brings us the authentic recipes of the Mayan Cusine: Receipes from the Yucatan Region, along with his personal experiences that make the historical and cultural ba
Join author and chef Daniel Hoyer through the varied geography, culture, history, and cuisine of Mexico. Mexico's rich history and myriad cultural influences are reflected in its food, which exposes a