給從事精神醫學工作者或是對精神醫學感興趣的您…若您對精神科的印象還停留在神經兮兮、歇斯底里的病人,窩在沙發裡與不苟言笑的醫師冗長對話,加上無止盡的理論和診斷碼背誦,或對其只有專業、陰鬱且病理意識導向的形象,這本《精神醫學的第一堂課:面談技巧》絕對能改變您的看法。本書作者Daniel J. Carlat利用自己多年來從事精神醫學工作的經驗,以實用、簡明、慧黠又不失輕鬆的筆法,編寫出這本運用許多實際病
The psychiatric interview is your window into the mind of your patient. With this practical, how-to handbook, you'll examine each aspect of the psychiatric interview in detail. Your journey begins wi
With an engaging conversational style, The Psychiatric Interview, focuses on the practical skills psychiatrists need to conduct effective psychiatric interviews.? The book begins with the general prin