In this provocative and original monograph, Krier and Swart argue that NASCAR and the carnivalesque displays at Sturgis’s mass motorcycle rallies reveal how spectator events of this scale have come to
NASCAR, Sturgis, and the New Economy of Spectacle vividly illustrates how legendary spectacles, such as those in NASCAR racing and the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, generate a triple-circuit of profit.
This book addresses core questions about the nature and structure of contemporary capitalism and the social dynamics and countervailing forces that shape modern life. From a robust and self-consciousl
In Capitalisms’ Future: Alienation, Emancipation and Critique, sociologists, philosophers and cultural theorists critique economic and political dynamics of contemporary capitalism. An agenda for 21st
This collection brings together contributions from social theorists in sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies to dissect and critique capitalist crises, left-liberalism, left-Thatcherism, resista