No nation is free from the charge that it has a less-than-complete view of the past. History is not simply about recording past events?it is often contested, negotiated, and reshaped over time. Debate
No nation is free from the charge that it has a less-than-complete view of the past. History is not simply about recording past events?it is often contested, negotiated, and reshaped over time. Debate
Over the past fifteen years Northeast Asia has witnessed growing intraregional exchanges and interactions, especially in the realms of culture and economy. Still, the region cannot escape from the bur
"The legacy of the Second World War has been, like the war itself, an international phenomenon. In both Europe and Asia, common questions of criminality, guilt, and collaboration have intersected with
The legacy of the Second World War has been, like the war itself, an international phenomenon. In both Europe and Asia, common questions of criminality, guilt, and collaboration have intersected with
Over the past fifteen years Northeast Asia has witnessed growing intraregional exchanges and interactions, especially in the realms of culture and economy. Still, the region cannot escape from the bur