This 1978 book is a collaborative volume bringing together work in semantics from various disciplines, so that each may inform the other. Papers on philosophy from Charles Caton, David Wiggins, William Alston, H. P. Grice, Paul Ziff, Gilbert Harman, Leonard Linsky, P. F. Strawson, Keith Donnellan, Zeno Vendler, John Searle, W. V. Quine: on linguistics Howard Maclay, Noam Chomsky, James McCawley, George Lakoff, Jerrold Katz, Uriel Weinrich, D. Terence Lagendoen, Paul and Carol Kiparsky, Charles Fillmore, Edward Bendix, Mansfred Bierwisch, R. M. W. Dixon, Kenneth Hale: on psychology Dannt Steinberg, Charles E. Osgood, David McNeill, Eric H. Lenneberg, Jerry A. Fodor, George Miller, Thomas Bever and Peter Rosenbaum.
How do we learn to produce and comprehend speech? How does language relate to thought?This second edition of the successful text Psycholinguistics- Language, Mind and World considers the psychology of
This second edition of the text Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World considers the psychology of language as it relates to learning, mind and brain as well as various aspects of society and cul