In this battle-scarred landscape called Nu Earth, the Norts and Southers fight where only the Genetic Infantrymen can survive unaided. Rogue is one such soldier, and these are his tales. Created by Ge
Pushing forward into a new frontier is always dangerous, but when you’re almost 1500 light years from home and something goes wrong its all to easy for everything to spiral out of control unless tough
For courses in Precalculus Take Precalculus from the Authors that Wrote "the" Calculus book Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic - by the nationally recognized author team of Demana, Waits, Foley, Kennedy, and Bock-is the leading choice for graphing-intense courses. Now in its Ninth Edition, this bestseller offers extremely accessible writing and exercises, a balanced approach to problem solving, the most appropriate use of technology, and an easier and more consistent transition from Precalculus to Calculus. A principal feature of this text is the balance among the algebraic, numerical, graphical, and verbal methods of representing problems: the rule of four.This approach reinforces the idea that to understand a problem fully, students need to understand it algebraically as well as graphically and numerically. MyMathLab(R) not included. Students, if MyMathLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course