Block, David,Khan, Sarah (The University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, Spain)
David (Univeristat Pompeu Fabra Block Spain)
David Block/ Tim Wiles (FRW)
David Block、John Gray and Marnie Holborow
Dwight H. Perkins/ Steven Radelet/ David L. Lindauer/ Steven A. Block
Liesbeth De Block/ David Buckingham
Andrew R. Block (EDT)/ David B. Sarwer (EDT)
Anthony Suchman M.D. (EDT)/ David J. Sluyter (EDT)/ Penelope R. Williamson (EDT)/ Peter Block (FRW)
Daniel I. Block (EDT)/ Kenneth A. Mathews (EDT)/ David S. Dockery (EDT)
David Block (EDT)/ Deborah Cameron (EDT)
David E. Block,Konrad V. Miller
David L. Block (EDT)/ IvGnio Puerari (EDT)/ Robert Groess (EDT)/ Kenneth C. Freeman (EDT)/ Elizabeth K. Block (EDT)
David L. Block (EDT)/ Kenneth C. Freeman (EDT)/ Ivanio Puerari (EDT)
David L. Block/ Kenneth C. Freeman
Francois Vuilleumier (EDT)/ David Bird (CON)/ Nicholas Block L. (CON)/ Peter Capainolo (CON)/ Matthew Cormons (CON)
James Curry/ Richard M. Battistoni/ Stephen Block/ David Bridge/ Rebecca Flavin
Kenneth Freeman (EDT)/ Bruce Elmegreen (EDT)/ David Block (EDT)/ Matthew Woolway (EDT)
Patrick N. Cain (EDT)/ David Ramsey (EDT)/ Stephen A. Block (CON)/ Patrick N. Cain (CON)/ Adam Carrington (CON)