In the final book in the beloved Zombie Chasers series, Zack Clarke and his zombie-fighting team travel across the world in search of an antidote that will stop the brain-gobbling outbreak once and fo
Zombies Take Manhattan!The Zombie Chasers are national heroes! Six months after Zack Clarke, his sister, Zoe, and pals Rice, Madison, and Ozzie saved the country from brain-gobbling ghouls, things are
Zombies take Manhattan in Empire State of Slime, book four of John Kloepfer's hilarious and stomach-churning Zombie Chasers tween series, with illustrations by David DeGrand. Perfect for fans of Diary
The living dead are back and they mean business in Nothing Left to Ooze, book five of John Kloepfer's sidesplitting Zombie Chasers tween series, with illustrations by David DeGrand. After the original
The Fat Cat returns for an new collection of his comic book adventures! See Garfield play Fairy Godcat for a young woman, vow to stop eating lasagna (yes, you read that right), meet a genie in a bottl