Poetry. "Jaffin's poetry is as 'modernist' as abstract painting while still poetry in the traditional sense, whose purpose is the verbalization of basic human experience and whose form derives from a
Poetry. Proving once again that he is perhaps the world's busiest poet, now that he is in retirement, David Jaffin offers here his first collection of short lyric poems for 2018. There are many more t
Poetry. "David Jaffin's work is consistently refreshing and innovating, his is a most welcome contemporary poetic voice. And his keen, sensitive observations make for precise, sensuous and elegant poe
Poetry. The second of David Jaffin's 2015 titles, another 400 pages-plus of minimalist lyrics. AsChicago Review said of his recent LIGHT SOURCES and LANDING RIGHTS: "Decidedly prolific bite-s
Poetry. "David Jaffin is a scrupulous weigher and weighter of words—by which I mean that a poem is, for him, always a matter of collaboration with the true spirit of the language. Every word is given
Poetry. The first of David Jaffin's 2015 titles, another almost-400 pages of minimalist lyrics. AsChicago Review said of his recent LIGHT SOURCES and LANDING RIGHTS, "Decidedly prolific, bite
Poetry. "David Jaffin is a scrupulous weigher and weighter of words—by which I mean that a poem is, for him, always a matter of collaboration with the true spirit of the language. Every word is given
Poetry. Proving once again that he is perhaps the world's busiest poet, now that he is in retirement, David Jaffin offers here his second collection of short lyric poems for 2018. There are many more
Poetry. Jewish Studies. The world's most prolific poet? Retirement agrees with David Jaffin, as he presents another volume of his trademark short lyrics.Published in association with Edition Wortschat
"David Jaffin is a scrupulous weigher and weighter of words-by which I mean that a poem is, for him, always a matter of collaboration with the true spirit of the language. Every word is given its val