David Fitzgerald (EDT)/ David Ryan (EDT)/ John M. Thompson (EDT)
Alison Averis/ Ben Averis/ John Birks/ David Horsfield/ Des Thompson
David M. Thompson (EDT)/ John H. Y. Briggs (EDT)/ John Munsey Turner (EDT)
David S. Thompson (EDT)/ Jane Barnette (EDT)/ Dean Adams (CON)/ John Patrick Bray (CON)/ Tony Gunn (CON)
David Thompson/ John Macdonell/ Charles W. McKenzie/ Franaois-Antoine Larocque/ W. Raymond Wood (EDT)/ Thomas D. Thiessen (EDT)
John B Thompson , David Held
John M. Wallace (University of Washington),David S. Battisti (University of Washington),David W. J. Thompson (Colorado State University),Dennis L. Hartmann (University of Washington)
William Shakespeare/ John Tobin (EDT)/ Jesse Lander (EDT)/ Ann Thompson (EDT)/ David Scott Kastan (EDT)