Poetry. THE MOST NATURAL THING is like a series of x-rays—symmetrical square boxes made of language, in which language is describing the anatomy of one body, and this body becomes a container of infor
How does it feel to experience another city? To stand beneath tall buildings, among the countless faces of a crowd? To attempt to be heard above the din?The poems of Another City travel inward and out
"These poems do much more than blur the line between illusion and reality: they evoke that vibrant contradiction of dreaming in which the real and unreal exist in perfect simultaneity."—The Georgia Re
Poetry. Translated from the Danish by David Keplinger. "Carsten Rene Nielsen has reinvented the prose poem as a revelation in a paragraph. His world, skillfully Englished by translator David Keplinger
Poetry. Translated by David Keplinger. "One of the first Carsten René Nielsen poems I translated, now almost twenty years ago, was a little gem called 'X-Ray': 'She uses the tail of a fish skeleton as