David Fitzgerald (EDT)/ David Ryan (EDT)/ John M. Thompson (EDT)
David M. Aronstein (EDT)/ Bruce J. Thompson (EDT)/ Bruce J. Thompson
David M. Thompson (EDT)/ John H. Y. Briggs (EDT)/ John Munsey Turner (EDT)
David M. Thompson/ David G. Haase (EDT)
Edited by David J. Eaglesham 、Carl V. Thompson 、Steven M. Yalisove
Eric Voegelin/ David L. Morse (EDT)/ William M. Thompson (EDT)
Eric Voegelin/ David L. Morse (EDT)/ William M. Thompson (EDT)/ David L. Morse (INT)/ William M. Thompson (INT)
John M. Wallace (University of Washington),David S. Battisti (University of Washington),David W. J. Thompson (Colorado State University),Dennis L. Hartmann (University of Washington)
Lester D. R. Thompson M.D./ Bruce M. Wenig/ Brenda L. Nelson/ Francis H. Gannon M.D./ David Cassarino M.D. Ph.D.
Mark Camphouse (EDT)/ James Barnes/ Timothy Broege/ David Ginningham/ David R. Holsinger/ Karel Husa/ Timothy Mahr/ W. Francis McBeth/ Robert Sheldon/ Jack Stamp/ Frand Ticheli/ M Thompson
Michael S. Hand/ Krista M. Gebert/ Jingjing Liang/ David E. Calkin/ Matthew P. Thompson
Paul B. Thompson (EDT)/ David M. Kaplan (EDT)