For Greek antiquity, the question of right or fitting measure constituted the very heart of both ethics and politics. But can the Good of the ethical life and the Justice of the political be reduced
Carrying forward the problematic of measure and measurelessness that Plato, Aristotle, and Holderlin posited at the center of their ethics and politics, this book explores ways in which, as the very c
This collection of original essays by preeminent interpreters of continental philosophy explores the question of whether Western thought and culture have been dominated by a vision-centered paradigm o
Originally published in 1989. In this interdisciplinary study, Dr Levin offers an account of personal growth and self-fulfilment based on the development of our capacity for listening. This book shoul
Nietzsche and Heidegger saw in modernity a time endangered by nihilism. Starting out from this interpretation, David Levin links the nihilism raging today in Western society and culture to our concret
Would you like your burst into public awareness like Lady Gaga? have the long-lived success of Mick Jagger? demonstrate the creativity of The Beatles?We don’t normally think
Eugene Gendlin's contribution to the theory of language is the focus of this collection of essays edited by David Michael Levin. This compilation of critical studies--each followed by a comment from G