The Inland Empire—the area east of Los Angeles and located primarily in San Bernardino and Riverside counties—is known as Southern California's big backyard. And with its mountain, foothill, valley, a
The Pacific Crest Trail was designated as one of the first National Scenic Trails way back in 1968. As it traverses the ?high road” from Mexico to Canada, incredible views are not only commonplace but
For both introductory and advanced courses in VLSI design, this authoritative, comprehensive textbook is highly accessible to beginners, yet offers unparalleled breadth and depth for more experienced
This completely updated and expanded new edition in the Afoot and Afield series is the classic guide to the hiking opportunities throughout Southern California’s Orange County. Featuring more than 10
This completely updated and expanded new edition in the Afoot and Afield series is the classic guide to the hiking opportunities throughout Southern California's Orange County. Featuring more than 10
Digital Design and Computer Architecture Second Edition David Money Harris and Sarah L. Harris "Harris and Harris have taken the popular pedagogy from Computer Organization and Design down to the n
Digital Design and Computer Architecture is designed for courses that combine digital logic design with computer organizatiorchitecture or that teach these subjects as a two-course sequence. Digita
Southern California's highest and most rugged mountains are in the San Bernardino and San Jacinto ranges, in a unique region where desert cactus and pine trees, plus snow-capped peaks and palm oases,