Drawing on and contributing to the established studies of law and literature, literature and science, and law and science, Caudill (law, Villanova U.) surveys actual cases and representations in liter
Radical Philosophy of Law represents a cross section of contemporary critiques of the legal establishment—its theoretical foundations and its institutions and processes. Recognizing that proposa
Lacan and the Subject of Law is both an accessible introduction to Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and a demonstration of the relevance of Jacques Lacan's influential work for the critique of legal pro
Radical Philosophy of Law represents a cross section of contemporary critiques of the legal establishment—its theoretical foundations and its institutions and processes. Recognizing that proposals for
Caudill (law, Villanova U.) and LaRue (law, Washington and Lee U.) note that 75 percent of civil cases involve one or more expert scientific witnesses, and that "reliability" of expert testimony is up