David Kauzlarich/ Dawn Rothe
Dawn (School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Rothe Florida Atlantic University USA),David (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Kauzlarich USA)
Dawn L. (Eastern Kentucky University Rothe USA),Victoria E. Collins
Dawn L. Rothe (EDT)/ Christopher W. Mullins (EDT)/ William J. Chambliss (FRW)/ M. Cherif Bassiouni (INT)
Dawn L. Rothe/ David O. Friedrichs
Victoria E. Collins/ Dawn L. Rothe
Christopher W. Mullins/ Dawn L. Rothe
Dawn L. Rothe (EDT)/ David Kauzlarich (EDT)
Dawn L. Rothe (EDT)/ Victoria E. Collins (EDT)
Dawn Rothe/ Christopher W. Mullins