In this sweeping, incisive post mortem, Dean Starkman exposes the critical shortcomings that softened coverage in the business press during the mortgage era and the years leading up to the financial c
Monopolies, mismanagement, app development, Google delivery drones, trouble in the retail sector--2015 was another year of profound changes in the world of business and finance. Featuring articles tha
A breakout success, our anthology of the year's best business investigative writing includes provocative essays on the ongoing collapse of American middle-class jobs under the weight of maximizing sha
Collects several inestigative reports on the business world, including the investigation into News of the World, an account of the consequences of the deregulation of medicine, and the legacy of Alan
An anthology Malcolm Gladwell has called "riveting and indispensable," The Best Business Writing is a far-ranging survey of business's dynamic relationship with politics, culture, and life. This year