Depression is often misdiagnosed or missed entirely in the elderly; people often think it’s a “normal” response to the aging process. But this is not the case, and Serani offers a compassionate and pr
A psychologist draws on her own childhood struggles with depression and her clinical experiences treating depressed children to offer an explanation of pediatric depression and its treatments.
In the U.S., major depressive disorder afflicts more than 20 million adults and children every year. Living with Depression details the various forms and manifestations of depression alongside Serani'
Depression is often misdiagnosed or missed entirely in the elderly; people often think it’s a “normal” response to the aging process. But this is not the case, and Serani offers a co
In the US, major depressive disorder afflicts more than 20 million adults and children every year. Living with Depression details the various forms and manifestations of depression alongside Serani's
Depression and Your Child provides a uniquely textured understanding of pediatric depression and its treatments. Serani weaves her own personal experiences of being a depressed child along with her cl
A sensitive and supportive story to help young children recognize and cope with sadness.A sensitive and supportive story to help young children recognize and cope with sadness.“Now when I get sad, I s