John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston (EDT)
John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston (CON)
John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston (EDT)/ Lewis E. Hahn (INT)
John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston
John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston (EDT)/ Ralph Ross (INT)
John Dewey/ Jo Ann Boydston (EDT)/ Sidney Hook (INT)
John Dewey;Weber, Eric Thomas
Kitcher, Philip (John Dewey Professor of Philosophy, John Dewey Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University)
Philip (John Dewey Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Kitcher John Dewey Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Columbia University)
Albion Woodbury Small John Dewey
Donald C. Orlich/ John Dewey
Donald Capps/ John M. Capps/ William James/ John Dewey