In India: A Sacred Geography, renowned Harvard scholar Diana Eck offers an extraordinary spiritual journey through the pilgrimage places of the world's most religiously vibrant culture and reveals tha
Diana Eck’s work has become increasingly important in our ever-changing communities, as people of different faiths must negotiate how to live together peacefully. In Encountering God, Eck shows
A spiritual history of the world's most religiously complex and diverse society, from one of Harvard's most respected scholars.India: A Sacred Geography is the culmination of more than a decade's work
Why Understanding America's Religious Landscape Is the Most Important Challenge Facing Us Today The 1990s saw the U.S. Navy commission its first Muslim chaplain and open its first mosque.There are pre
This updated, revised edition of the important 1988 work examines the complex relationship between American ideals and increasing religious diversity. Since publication of the first edition, American