Dimitri Vanoverbeke (EDT)/ Takao Suami (EDT)/ Takako Ueta (EDT)/ Frederik Ponjaert (EDT)/ Nicholas Peeters (EDT)
Edited by Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Takao Suami, Takako Ueta, Nicholas Peeters and Frederik Ponjaert
Jorn Keck (EDT)/ Dimitri Vanoverbeke (EDT)/ Franz Waldenberger (EDT)
J憿孓 Keck (EDT)/ Dimitri Vanoverbeke (EDT)/ Franz Waldenberger (EDT)
Suami, Takao (Waseda University, Japan),Peters, Anne (Max-Planck-Institut fur auslandisches oeffentliches Recht und Voelkerrecht, Germany),Vanoverbeke, Dimitri (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgiu
;Deflem, Mathieu (University of South Carolina, USA),Takahashi, Hiroshi (Kobe University, Japan),Vanoverbeke, Dimitri (The University of Tokyo, Japan),Karlin, Jason G. (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
"Trial by jury is not a fundamental part of the Japanese legal system, but there has been a recent important move towards this with the introduction in 2009 of the lay assessor system whereby lay peop
This book presents a comprehensive overview of EU-Japan relations from 1970 to the present. It charts developments over the period, analyses key specific areas of importance to the relationship, and c
This book presents a comprehensive overview of EU-Japan relations from 1970 to the present. It charts developments over the period, analyses key specific areas of importance to the relationship, and c
A collaborative volume on EU-Japan relations consisting of two parts: the first addresses the potential role of the European Union, in cooperation with Japan, to craft a stable and prosperous mode of