Poetry. "The inspiration for ROMAN EXERCISES stems from my reading of Bertolt Brecht'sManual of Piety. It is an ancient impulse. His work may be thought of as a set of 'exercises' for respons
Poetry. PROLOG PAGES are various in the complexities of their bundled themes: travel, observations from everyday life, allusions to the accomplishments of poets and artists. Wellman sometimes calls to
Poetry. "In constructing this book, I have been thinking about the English language serial poem from Jack Spicer to Lisa Robertson. Some of my poems sustain themselves over considerable lengths. Diffe
Expressivity in Modern Poetry examines the radical address to reality in twentieth-century modernism. This legacy is foundational for contemporary poetry. New constructions of subjectivity and a turn
Poetry. In A NORTH ATLANTIC WALL the poetry is drawn from fieldnotes, ragged prose, some passages displaying a resonant, if fragmentary, intensity. The elements of A NORTH ATLANTIC WALL may appear to
Poetry. "Donald Wellman proposes THE CRANBERRY ISLAND SERIES as a work of 'autoethnography,' incorporating poetry, translation, autobiography, family history, and geography—all focused on the Cranberr
Poetry. LGBTQIA Studies. Latino/Latina Studies. Translated from the Spanish by Donald Wellman. In THE VIRGIN MOUNTAIN, the great Uruguayan poet, novelist and essayist, Roberto Echavarren, continues hi
This Donald Wellman translation of Lapidas makes available in English for the first time the poetry of Antonio Gamoneda, recipient of the Cervantes Prize in 2006 and now, despite years of repression u
Poetry. Literary Nonfiction. "My desire is to erase boundaries,' says Wellman, and in many ways, this book is an exploration of how language can aid that project. Based in consideration of translation
Poetry. Latinx Studies. LGBTQIA Studies. Translated from the Spanish by Roberto Echavarren and Donald Wellman. "In CADAVERS, his long poem on the desaparecidos--the disappeared victims of Argentina's