Keith Donohue的第一本小說《The Stolen Child》〈中譯:竊取的孩子〉成為各大小暢銷書榜的暢銷書。全球讀者引頸企盼多時的新作《Angels of Destruction》日前出版。故事開始在一個冬夜,一位寡婦Margaret獨自在家,十年前,她唯一的女兒Erica跟著高中的男友加入了學校的團體〝毀滅天使〞,之後卻失蹤了。 Margaret聽到了敲門的聲音,心中暗自祈禱是失
Intended to provide an overview of the fundamental principles and processes of both Chapter 11 reorganizations and Chapter 7 liquidations, incorporating examples drawn from relevant legal decisions, r
Professor Avrich records the history of the anarchist movement from its Russian origins in the 19th century, with a full discussion of Bakunin and Kropotkin, to its upsurge in the 1905 and 1917 Social
Praise for Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy"This is an extremely positive and strength-focused text that provides therapists with a structure and the tools to implemen
Praise for Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy"Treating Adult Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy is a welcome addition to the evidence-based substance use disorder
From Philip Henslowe to David Merrick, the producer or theatre manager has generally been seen as a combination of Shylock and Simon Legree, usurer and slavedriver, wholly concerned with profit and lo
The WPA Theatre Project-conceived as a relief measure, a work program, and an artistic experiment-enjoyed a brief but lively existence. With skill and sensitivity Mrs. Mathews explores its turbulent h
This was the age of the star. For the first time in the history of the theater, the playwright took second place to the actor; the interpretation of the role assumed primary importance in a assessing
This was the age of the star. For the first time in the history of the theater, the playwright took second place to the actor; the interpretation of the role assumed primary importance in a assessing
Professor Avrich records the history of the anarchist movement from its Russian origins in the 19th century, with a full discussion of Bakunin and Kropotkin, to its upsurge in the 1905 and 1917 Social
From Philip Henslowe to David Merrick, the producer or theatre manager has generally been seen as a combination of Shylock and Simon Legree, usurer and slavedriver, wholly concerned with profit and lo
The WPA Theatre Project-conceived as a relief measure, a work program, and an artistic experiment-enjoyed a brief but lively existence. With skill and sensitivity Mrs. Mathews explores its turbulent h
A comprehensive review of behavioral operations management that puts the focus on new and trending research in the fieldThe Handbook of Behavioral Operations offers a comprehensive resource that fills
From USA Today bestselling author Meg Donohue comes a mystery, a love story, and a mother-daughter tale about two women on a precarious journey to uncover their true selves.Passionate and funny, radio
Effective listening skills are essential for successful social interaction at home, at school, and in the community.Guided Listening illustrates how teachers can champion purposeful listening and help