Presents a beginning reader's story about a boy who loves to hop, high and low, forward and backward; another boy who loves to skip over the fields, in town, all around; and a girl who loves to run as
When a big sister gets in trouble for making her little sister mad, she learns a valuable lesson, in a whimsical easy reader that features both phonics- and whole language-based instruction. Simultane
When his sister constantly beats him at everything, he learns that winning isn't everything and having fun is all that matters, in an adorable easy reader illustrated with four-color photographs of re
A girl camps out in her room with a tent, lamp, and sleeping bag, but when it gets dark and the night sounds start, all she really needs is her mom. Simultaneous.
A little boy refuses to give up his favorite pair of pants that are too old, too small, and too ragged, and his mother wonders what to do, in a charming easy reader that combines phonics- and whole la
Two very different girls with very different tastes become the best of friends, in an easy reader that combines phonics- and whole language-based instruction. Simultaneous.
Nan develops a plan that begins with an empty can, and with the help of her father, she builds a truly amazing entry for the star-spangled Fourth of July parade--a bike-riding Tin Can Man.
In their bustling New York City yarn shop Julie Carles and Jordana Jacobs—a.k.a. the Yarn Girls—have helped thousands of new and lapsed knitters rediscover the pleasures of knitting. Forget frumpy wor