The papers assembled in this selection of studies range in subject matter from early Judaic magic to an inscribed monument of the Neo-Classical period. The principal emphasis of the collection is neve
Fishwick (emeritus classics, U. of Alberta, Canada) concludes the series with an apparatus. The Abbreviated Titles list comprises all abbreviations used throughout the four Parts, and the Bibliography
The twenty-one studies assembled in this volume focus on the apparatus and practitioners of religions in the western Roman empire, the enclaves, temples, altars and monuments that served the cults of
This original study is the first attempt to piece together an overall picture of the origins and historical development of provincial cults in the Latin west in the period from the reign of Augustus d
This original study is the first attempt to map the extent and principal features of the provincial priesthood in the Latin west in the period from the reign of Augustus down to the mid third century
Lugdunum and Tarraco provide the best evidence so far about provincial centers in the western provinces of the Roman Empire, though other sites grudgingly yield their secrets dig by dig, says Fishwick
The studies included in this volume supplement the work already published by the author on the imperial cult in the Roman West, focussing on the monuments of two cities in Roman Spain, Emerita (now Mé