By turns stoic and ravaged, but always with gutting honesty, E. C. Belli invites readers to consider the smallest rooms of the intimate in this first collection. With each poem pared down to an e
A moment later, Lacan is chattering with me, and giving me some crayons to draw with.-- from I, Little AsylumFounded in 1951 and renowned in theworld of psychiatry, the experimental psychiatric clinic
Hisbrief pamphlet Indignez-vous! (Cry Out!) is an internationalbestseller, calling for a return to the values of his native France’s “greatestgeneration,” the resistance fighters of World War II. It h
Pierre Peuchmaurd (1948-2009) was born in Paris, and became fascinated with surrealism in his teenage years. Though his poetry came to transcend the boundaries of surrealist work--by being both more l
The astonishing life of the writer named by the New York Times ?one of the last living heroes of the darkest era of the twentieth century.”His brief pamphlet Indignez-vous! (Cry Out!) is an internatio
The name "Geronimo" came to Corine Sombrun insistently in a trance during her apprenticeship to a Mongolian shaman. That message and the need to understand its meaning brought her to the home of the l