Edited by Europa Publications
Edited by Aihe Wang 王爱和 主编
Edited by James Swarbrick and James C. Boylan
Edited by The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
Edited by Martin Bulmer and John Solomos
Edited by Michael McNeese, Eduardo Salas and Mica R. Endsley
Simon Trussler Edited by Clive Barker
Edited by Adam Weintrit and Tomasz Neumann
Edited by Clete A. Kushida
Edited by Colin R. Martin and Victor R. Preedy
Edited by David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier and Aleksander Braginski
Edited by Elliott R. Jacobson and Michael M. Garner
Edited by Evgeny Y. Tsymbal and Igor Žuti?
Edited by Iris Geva-May, B. Guy Peters and Joselyn Muhleisen
Edited by James A. Anderson