The significance of Fong Chung-Ray’s artistic oeuvre lies in his contribution both to the global art scene and the representation of Chinese artistic traditions in late twentieth- and early twenty-first-century California. As an ambassador for art, he has played a crucial role in fostering cultural exchange between China and the West, and his artworks have introduced richly diverse artistic traditions, techniques and themes to international audiences, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture.This anniversary publication presents a careful selection of Fong’s work tracing his artistic career and stylistic development over the last 60 years. It is a testament to the master’s contribution to late-twentieth-century Chinese painting in a global context.藝術家馮鍾睿的創作夙負盛名。二十世紀晚期至二十一世紀初,馮氏以中國傳統為基礎的作品於美國加州藝壇獨樹一幟,其畫風及作畫方式多元豐碩,展現出他對融合中西藝術的永恆追求。馮氏以自身創作於海外積極傳播中華文化,在推動跨文化交流方面扮演了重要的角色,幫助國際社會更深入地理解和欣賞中國藝術。是次富有紀念意義的出版物包括橫跨馮鍾睿整個創作生涯的多幅作品,回顧他過去六十年的藝術成就和風格發展,對這位大師在二十世紀晚期中國畫壇所作出的貢獻予