This long-awaited, last installment of the Reverend Edward A. Malloy’s three-volume memoir examines his eighteen years as president of the University of Notre Dame from 1987 to 2005. In this candid an
In Monk's Tale: Way Stations on the Journey, Father Malloy carries forward the story of his professional life from when he joined the Notre Dame faculty in 1974 to his election as president of Notre D
One of the most respected figures in Catholic higher education, the Reverend Edward A. Malloy has written a thoroughly engaging first installment of his three-volume memoir. This book covers
As the president of Notre Dame since 1986, Father Edward Malloy (affectionately known as Monk) holds a unique position in American society: He is at once a priest, a scholar, and the leader of the mos
This wonderful collection of humorous, poignant, and revealing stories and anecdotes offers special insight into the university that Father Malloy has served so faithfully. Monk's Notre Dame has a sto