Understanding marketing research to make better business decisions An ideal resource for busy managers and professionals seeking to build and expand their marketing research skills, The Market Researc
Visits to customers by a cross-functional team of marketers and engineers play an important role in new product development, entry into new markets, and in exploring customer satisfaction and dissatis
"An ideal resource for those who want to conduct market research but have little experience in doing so, The Market Research Toolbox describes how to think of market research in the context of making
McQuarrie (marketing, U. of Santa Clara) offers a how-to manual for companies interested in getting the most from their customer visits. The author advises suppliers of goods and services to treat cus
The idea is not to make the public think, or to persuade them. The idea is to make them act, to buy. These truths makes the copywriters of Madison Avenue amongst the most adept rhetoricians in the wor