Daniel Michael Boggiano/ Edward Cunningham Wallace
Roy Fenoff,Jacqueline T. (Charleston Southern University Fish South Carolina USA),Larry S. Miller,Edward W. Wallace,Michael C. (Professor Emeritus Braswell East Tennessee State University USA)
Stephen C. (Edward P Bass Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Stearns Edward P Bass Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Yale University),Ruslan (David W. Wallace Professor of Immun
"The First Muirs of The Province of Quebec" is the first professional research effort to identify all of the early Muir's who arrived after the French and Indian War which ended in 1763. Their origins
Joe Allston is a retired literary agent who is, in his own words, "just killing time until time gets around to killing me." His parents and his only son are long dead, leaving him with neither ancesto
In the late-1980s, visual cognition was a small subfield of cognitive psychology, and the standard texts mainly discussed just iconic memory in their sections on visual cognition. In the sub
TV Outside the Box: Trailblazing in the Digital Television Revolution is the latest book from Neil Landau. It explores the new and exploding universe of niche TV and the burgeoning OTT (Over the Top)
The work of Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) is made more complicated when the scene is contaminated by either Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNEs) or Toxic Industrial Chem
The Ashgate Research Companion to Black Sociology provides the most up to date exploration and analysis of research focused on Blacks in America. Beginning with an examination of the project of Black