Elisabeth B. Thompson-hardy
Heather Anne Swanson (EDT)/ Marianne Elisabeth Lien (EDT)/ Gro B. Ween (EDT)
Kari Elisabeth B曋禿esen/ Adriana Valerio
Beatrice B. Garvan/ David L. Barquist/ Elisabeth R. Agro (CON)
Chip Ingram/ Elisabeth B. Leyson (CON)
David B. Tyack/ Elisabeth Hansot
Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture (7th : 1979)/ Elisabeth B. MacDougall
Elisabeth B. Davidson/ Audrey Hale (ILT)
Elisabeth B. Reynolds (EDT)/ Ben Ross Schneider (EDT)/ Ezequiel Zylberberg (EDT)
Elisabeth Carniel (EDT)/ B. Joseph Hinnebusch (EDT)
Elisabeth Weber/ Jacques Derrida (EDT)/ Emmanuel Levinas (CON)/ Jean-Francois Lyotard (CON)/ Leon Poliakov (CON)/ Luc Rosenzweig (CON)/ Rita Thalmann (CON)/ Pierre Vidal-Naquet (CON)/ Rachel B
J. B. Lethbridge (EDT)/ Paul J. Hecht (EDT)/ Gavin Alexander (CON)/ April Bernard (CON)/ Elisabeth Chaghafi (CON)
Leon Leyson/ Marilyn J. Harran (CON)/ Elisabeth B. Leyson (CON)
Leon Leyson/ Marilyn J. Harran (CON)/ Jamie Heiden (PHT)/ Elisabeth B Leyson
Mary B. Chesnut/ C. Vann Woodward (EDT)/ Elisabeth Muhlenfeld (EDT)/ El Muhlenfeld/ Elisabeth Muhlenfeld
Michael Decker (EDT)/ Elisabeth Ehrensperger (EDT)/ Nils B. Heyen (EDT)/ Ralf Lindner (EDT)/ Stephan Lingner (EDT)