\Listen and Learn Series/全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔,強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎,讓繪本不只是繪本!小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉說:咕嚕嚕〜肚子好餓啊,一起去烘焙坊吧?蛋糕、麵包和餅乾,要買什麼好呢?唷呼!我們要去玩具店,每個人可以選一樣禮物!玩具鼓、城堡和跳跳馬,嗯〜要買哪個好呢?【為什麼要讀英文繪本?】剛學完26個字母的小學生,只能靠背單字來學英文嗎?這麼做有效嗎?把
\Listen and Learn Series/全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔,強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎,讓繪本不只是繪本!小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉說:一起吃早餐吧?你今天想吃什麼呢?一起來玩吧?今天要玩什麼好呢?一起堆沙堡吧?我們要準備哪些工具才好呢?【為什麼要讀英文繪本?】剛學完26個字母的小學生,只能靠背單字來學英文嗎?這麼做有效嗎?把「背單字」變成「聽故事」,豈不是更吸引人?學習語言
\Listen and Learn Series/全球獨家限定「美籍外師朗讀」音檔,強化聽力,奠定語言學習最佳基礎,讓繪本不只是繪本!小兔子拉瑞和小貓蘿拉總是一起出門去玩耍。昨天他們去動物園看大象、老虎和猴子,今天要去郊區的森林裡散步、撿松果,明天呢?明天要一起去海邊玩水堆沙堡!【為什麼要讀英文繪本?】剛學完26個字母的小學生,只能靠背單字來學英文嗎?這麼做有效嗎?把「背單字」變成「聽故事」,豈不
Larry and Lola are taking trips together. They are going to the zoo and the playground, to the woods and the seaside There are all sorts of objects and animals over there. What do they see (and what d
Larry and Lol are busy! They are going to get dressed, eat, play, take a bath and go to bed. They need different things for all these activities. What are they taking with them? (and what are they lea
Larry and Lola are going shopping. They go to the bakery, the toy store, the grocery store, the shoe store, the book store and the pet store. What do they buy? (And what don’t they buy?) A fun seek-an