The Horse Encyclopedia is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated guide to more than 150 horse and pony breeds and types from around the world.Browse through the catalog of gorgeous photographs and lear
A stunning celebration of the equine world, The Horse Encyclopedia is a fully illustrated look at all the major horse and pony breeds and types, from the ponies of Dartmoor to the American mustang. Pa
Guiding the student and horse-owner through the bewildering variety of saddlery, horse equipment and clothing, this work describes its construction, purpose and correct usage by using clear line illus
Because even city kids dream of owning a pony someday! Award-winningauthor Judith Draper clearly explains every aspect of horse care, from feedingand grooming to tack cleaning and first aid. Packed w
Descriptive entries for more than one hundred breeds of horses and ponies discuss characteristics and distinguishing features, place of origin, uses, and the history of each breed, and include photogr
This guide to horse breeds, training, management, equipment, and the latest developments in equestrian sporting events is illustrated with about 1,000 color photos, illustrations, and maps, including