Back in 2002, when director Martin Scorcese released his acclaimed film Gangs of New York, he introduced a whole generation to the character of the vicious gang leader William Poole, more popularly kn
Join us as we once again delve into the darkest aspects of the Granite State. This time, we have a haunted house in Dublin with an extremely unfriendly ghost; the bizarre tale of Frederick Small of Os
Take a walk through West Chesterfield, New Hampshire, and you will discover, deep in the woods, the crumbling remains of Madame Sherri’s castle. Theatrical, eccentric and flamboyant, Madame scandalize
From the pages of 19th-century newspapers comes a rogue’s gallery of homicidal maniacs, from Joseph Lapage, who decapitated his young victim in Pembroke, to George Abbott, whose career of violence led