A part of Harper Perennial’s special “Resistance Library” highlighting classic works that illuminate the “Age of Trump”: A striking reissue of ErichFromm’s cl
"Human history began with an act of disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience." One of the great psychological and social philosophers of the twentieth
The Sane Society is a continuation and extension of the brilliant psychiatric concepts ErichFromm first formulated in Escape from Freedom; it is also, in many ways, an answer to Freud’s Civili
In Man for Himself, ErichFromm examines the confusion of modern women and men who, because they lack faith in any principle by which life ought to be guided, become the helpless prey forces both wit
In this provocative book, the distinguished author writes to break the deadlock in the struggle between the instinctivism of Konrad Lorenz and behavior psychologist B.F. Skinner. In this provocati
If humanity cannot live with the dangers and responsibilities inherent in freedom, it will probably turn to authoritarianism. This is the central idea of Escape from Freedom, a landmark work by one o
Fromm examines the true paths--as opposed to false directions--that will lead us to self-knowledge and enlightenment and offers another way to self-awareness and well-being, one based on psychoanalysi
Any attempt to identify the thread that runs through the late ErichFromm's writings will soon uncover an unequivocally humanistic world view. From the 1930s on, this was Fromm's guiding principle. It
First published in 1962 Beyond the Chains of Illusion is Fromm's landmark book about Marx and Freud. Here he delivers original readings of these hugely influential thinkers and, in doing so, offers us
Fromm's essential writings, some never before published, in a compact volume. Selections include: "Human Alienation," "Origins of the Having Mode of Existence", &am
Although ErichFromm intended to publish his work as a practicing psychotherapist, these plans were never realized in his lifetime. This volume fulfills his wish. Not intended as a textbook about psyc
In this reprint of a classic volume, published on the 100th anniversary of philosopher and psychoanalyst ErichFromm's birth, Fromm recasts love in terms of self-awareness and cultivation of one's own
Fromme's classic continues to inform the intellectual community, as well as some (admittedly few) policy makers. In this he continues to develop what he terms "radical-humanistic psychoanalysis," work