In 1913, at the age of nineteen, Elsie Dunn - later to be known as Evelyn Scott - turned her back on the genteel Southern world she was born into and ran off to Brazil with a married Tulane University
Want shinier, prettier, & healthier hair? How about getting your hair to grow longer and more luxuriously?Ever wonder if you are taking proper care of your short/long, dry/oily, curly/straight hai
Have you noticed? You continue to use cosmetics & products promising you an acne-free life, anti-aging results, smoother glowing skin...But the more you use these products, the fewer results you s
At a young age, we are introduced to the power of makeup. Used in the right way, makeup can transform pale eyelashes into alluring, flirty fringe … or create a sensual pout on otherwise thin lips … or
This volume is the first to aim at summarizing all of the scientific literature published so far regarding male-female differences and similarities, not only in behavior, but also in basic biology, ph
Game theory, particularly the use of repeated games, N-person games, and incomplete information games have been popular research techniques in political science, sociology and management, but difficul