The Epistles of the Brethren of Purity is an encyclopedic compendium, probably composed in tenth-century Iraq by a society of adepts with Platonic, Pythagorean, and Shi'i tendencies. Its 52 sections (
"Herbals" - collections describing plants used for medicinal purposes - were among the ancient and medieval world's most valued scientific texts, synthesizing a vast treasury of medical learning to fa
In 1984, Noel Swerdlow and Otto Neugebauer argued that Nicholas Copernicus (1473?1543) explained planetary motion by using mathematical devices and astronomical models originally developed by Islamic
In 1984, Noel Swerdlow and Otto Neugebauer argued that Nicholas Copernicus (1473?1543) explained planetary motion by using mathematical devices and astronomical models originally developed by Islamic
The editors (all of the U. of Oklahoma) present the results of a November 2001 conference which brought together natural and social scientific water experts from Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and the US.