A masterpiece of inspired imagery, this tarot deck is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo d
As a dream diary, sketchbook, or Book of Shadows, these handsome hardcover journals are the perfect place to record insights and experiences. Featuring beautiful artwork and high-quality paper, the jo
Based on the groundbreaking Santa Muerte Tarot, this oracle is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and La Santa Muerte. Featuring masterful artwork by Fa
Enter into artist Fabio Listrani’s rendering of the dance between the dark and the light, and begin a compelling journey into the realm of esoteric wisdom. Regardless of your level of occult knowledge
As a dream diary, sketchbook, or Book of Shadows, this handsome hardcover journal is the perfect place to record your ruminations, insights, and experiences. Features an attractive cover and 160 high
A world where brain-eaters roam and warbots rule is truly a NO MAN'S LAND! Fully illustrated by the fantabulous Fabio Listrani, this new anthology features fresh tales of rotting flesh and rusting met