Save Money by Tackling the Simple Household Repairs Yourself Don’t pay a professional tons of money! We make it so easy for you to tackle the tasks yourself. Below are some of the everyday projects
A resource with more than 150 projects provides organizing ideas for all areas of the home, including the garage, kitchen and bathrooms, family workshop, laundry room and closets and the yard, in a bo
100 do-it-yourself simple projects, requiring only basic tools, precut lumber and standard materials.Build fashionable, functional, inexpensive indoor and backyard furniture—even if you're a complete
The Family Handyman’s 100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know gives you the knowledge you need to be a better homeowner. You’ll make informed decisions, avoid frustrations and save thousands over the lif
You Can Do This! Save Thousands! Tackle the Easy Fixes Yourself Over 120 Step-by-Step Secrets Revealed The Basics Everyone Can Master Excited to learn how to repair and improve your home
De-Clutter & De-Stress...Decide to Organize the Mess with Family Handyman Ultimate Storage Solutions.Tackle your biggest storage problems with our all-new organization book, The Family Handyman Ul
Repair, Reuse, Remodel The best way to cut home expenses—and frustrations—is to prevent problems from happening in the first place. With The Family Handyman Make It Last, see how easy it i
Thoroughly revised and updated and featuring thousands of photographs, illustrations, and diagrams, a comprehensive quick reference guide to do-it-yourself home improvement projects teaches readers ho
Make your home neater and more convenient—and a better place to live! Most homes actually have plenty of storage space, but much of that space is disorganized, inconvenient and wasted. Best Organizing