Expanding a house requires both inspiration and expertise, and that is just what the seasoned professionals from Fine Homebuilding magazine have provided in Building Additions. Through an eye-catchin
Storage is a top priority for homeowners and builders alike, and this selection of articles from the editors of Fine Homebuilding magazine provides inspiring ideas, helpful case studies, and key cons
To get the best remodeling results, you need solid advice from the best in the business. For Pros by Pros(R) books bring you field-tested techniques and real-world experience from the expert builders
Comprised of articles taken from "Fine Homebuilding" magazine, this new edition of "Finish Carpentry" has been updated and redesigned throughout to provide builders with the very best current informa
All the technical information, design advice, and field-tested expertise of "Fine Homebuilding's" best deck builders are packed into "Windows and Doors: Installing, Repairing, Replacing," For profess