Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Based on the blockbuster film this
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. In SpongeBob's New Toy, SpongeBob
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Smurfs are popular with childr
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Mr Bean is popular with children a
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Smurfs are popular with childr
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Kraang Attack! is based on an epis
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Donnie's Robot is based on an epis
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. This reader is based on the hit 201
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. This reader is based on the hit 201
雷哥獨自生活在寵物箱,靠玩角色扮演打發時間,有一天意外掉落在莫哈維沙漠的黃沙鎮,他想找水喝,但是卻意外認識了鎮上的居民,包括一隻烏龜鎮長、一條致命的響尾蛇、一群專門搶銀行的野狗,以及雷哥第一次見到的母蜥蝪。雷哥向鎮民吹牛自己擊敗過很多狠角色,被拱為警長,調查斷水危機,沒想到真正碰上響尾蛇等狠角色,他的麻煩才剛開始。Extensive reading is essential for improvi
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Inventor Flint Lockwood thought he
Bestselling author Jacky Davis and award-winning illustrator Fiona Woodcock celebrate family, love, and imagination in this vibrant and expressive picture book. Father-daughter time shines in this irr
Fiona Davis, author of The Dollhouse, returns with a compelling novel about the thin lines between love and loss, success and ruin, passion and madness, all hidden behind the walls of The Dakota, New
A Good Morning America Book Club Pick and a New York Times bestseller "A page-turner for booklovers everywhere . . . A story of family ties, their lost dreams, and the redemption that comes from disco
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. The Madagascar films are popular wi
"The Dollhouse. . . . That's what we boys like to call it. . . . The Barbizon Hotel for Women, packed to the rafters with pretty little dolls. Just like you." Fiona Davis's stunning deb
One Direction is one of the most popular boy bands in the world with hundreds of thousands of fans. Read all about Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry and their extraordinary rise to fame. Scholastic E
Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue, returns with a tantalizing novel about the secrets, betrayal, and murder within one of New York City’s most impressive Gild