In a bold challenge to the long-held scholarly notion that Rabbinic Judaism was already an established presence during the Second Temple period, Gabriele Boccaccini here argues that Rabbinic Judaism w
Jason von Ehrenkrook, associate editor, with J. Harold Ellens, Ronald Ruark, and Justin Winger Distinguished in the field of Enochic studies, Gabriele Boccaccini led the way in June 2005 at the Th
The essays in Reading the Gospel of John’s Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs seek to interpret John’s Jesus as part of Second Temple Jewish messianic expectations
This volume covers a wide range of topics around 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch, two Jewish apocalypses of the first century CE, including their place of origin and their similarities with the Qumran literature,
Inspired by a series of seminars which have already produced several other volumes, these papers focus on the complex relationship of 1 Enoch to Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity. Contribut
In this volume Gabriele Boccaccini and Jason M. Zurawski collect together essays from leading international scholars on the books of 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch. The literature of the Second Temple Period has
The rediscovery of Enochic Judaism as an ancient movement of dissent within Second Temple Judaism, a movement centered on neither temple nor torah, is a major achievement of contemporary research
When scholars from around the world gathered at the fourth Enoch Seminar to consider the differences between early Enoch literature and Jubilees, four tendencies emerged from the discussion. Some scho
This tightly focused collection of essays, from an invited seminar of international specialists, centres on the question of the apocalyptic worldview around the time of the Maccabean revolt. What was
This book presents a collection of papers from the fifth conference of the Enoch Seminar. The conference re-examined 2 Enoch, an early Jewish apocalyptic text previously known to scholars only in its
This tightly focused collection of essays, from an invited seminar of international specialists, centres on the question of the apocalyptic worldview around the time of the Maccabean revolt. What was
Paul was a Pharisaic Jew whose moment of revelation on the road to Damascus has made him the most famous early Christian convert. His relationship to Christianity is and has been a topic of great inte