There are very few, if any, guides to the language used by the generation that fought the American Civil War. Based on thirty years of research, Garrison has produced this dictionary of slang and phr
There are few systematic guides to the language used by the generation that fought the American Civil War. In the 150 years since the great conflict, our language has changed, and as meanings have bec
There are few systematic guides to the language used by the generation that fought the American Civil War. In the 150 years since the great conflict, our language has changed, and as meanings have bec
Strange Battles of the Civil War is an anecdotal look at engagements during the Civil War that have unique or unusual aspects. Victories against overwhelming odds, lost or misdirected orders that aff
In Civil War Trivia and Fact Book more than 2,000 unusual, interesting, and little-known facts are assembled in a volume that will tantalize the mind at every page.What Confederate general could be id
Strange but true stories of the Civil War. Garrison recounts instances of friendly fire casualties, the unperfected art of spying, banishments and deportations, grisly tales of missing limbs, disguis
In this engaging and entertaining peek behind closed White House doors, bestselling author Web Garrison explores and explains the states of affairs that have often gone hand in hand with affairs of st
Are you a lover of language?Awaken your passion for words, and savor the sheer deliciousness of the things people say!Casual Lex holds the hidden pleasures found in our usage of words. This fresh edit
Many unusual stories are attached to the people and events of the Civil War. The Unknown Civil War is a collection of stories that still raise questions today, revealing subtle ironies and neglected
Here is a fascinating and humorous encyclopedia of more than three hundredwords and phrases and how they have taken on new meanings over time. It is aninformative reference book for the whole family.
The Civil War is most often described as one in which brother fought against brother. But the most devastating war fought on American soil was also one in which women demonstrated heroic deeds, selfle
Are you at the end of your rope, wouldn't it be nice if someone would throwAyyou an olive branch at the eleventh hour instead of passing the buck? Why You Say It explores the history of these and ove