Presents a comprehensive treatment of linear mixed models for continuous longitudinal data. This book puts major emphasis on exploratory data analysis for all aspects of the model, such as the margina
Research on mixed models has been extensive over the most recent decade. This book differs from the authors' previous monographs on longitudinal data in that it focuses on mixed models of a linear, ge
Manuscripts are the source material par excellence for diverse academic disciplines. Art historians, philologists, historians, theologians, philosophers, book historians, and even jurists are known to
Written by a team of leading researchers in the field, this handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the theory and applications of missing data analysis. It covers histor
Although many books currently available describe statistical models and methods for analyzing longitudinal data, they do not highlight connections between various research threads in the statistical l
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of linear mixed models for continuous longitudinal data. Next to model formulation, this edition puts major emphasis on exploratory data analysis for all a