Helping applicants navigate the intricate yet vitally important essay process at elite schools such as Stanford a university that enrolls students from all 50 states and 52 countries and has an admiss
The secrets, tips, and strategies used by actual students to win millions of dollars in financial aid and scholarships are revealed in this completely revised guide for parents and high school, colleg
Based on the real-life experiences of students who were admitted to the United States' most prestigious universities, this guide provides proven strategies to get into and pay for any college. Detaili
Examining the two basic components of scholarship competitionessays and interviewsthis vital guidebook offers practical advice and real-life examples to guide students through the entire application p
The only guidebook of its kind to combine extensive narrative college profiles with detailed data and statistics on each institution, this tome reports on more than 300 colleges and universities, addr
Students will prepare powerful and successful admission essays with the tools provided in this invaluable, newly-updated resource for the college-bound. Examples of 50 real essays are included, discus
An indispensable resource for all college-bound graduates and their families?or college students looking for ways to ease their financial burdens?this handbook for getting the most financial aid avail
Despite the pressures of work, family, and a mortgage, adults can find encouragement to go back to schoolwith this guide toresearching and applying to graduate, undergraduate, and certifi
Prospective?MBA students will find everything they need to prepare successful admission essays in this book. Containing 50 real essays students have written to gain admission to top business schools,
The only guidebook of its kind to combine extensive narrative college profiles with detailed data and statistics on each institution, this tome reports on more than 300 colleges and universities, addr
Dedicated to giving prospective students the edge they need to distinguish themselves among tens of thousands of peers, this guidebook demystifies the essay portion of the application process to the t
Examining the two basic components of scholarship competition—essays and interviews—this vital guidebook offers practical advice and real-life examples to guide students through the entire application
Information on thousands of scholarships, grants, and prizes is easily accessible in this revised directory with more than 700 new listings that feature awards indexed by career goal, major, academics
The only guidebook of its kind to combine extensive narrative college profiles with detailed data and statistics on each institution, this tome reports on more than 300 colleges and universities, addr
Information on 1.5 million scholarships, grants, and prizes is easily accessible in this revised directory with more than 300 new listings that feature awards indexed by career goal, major, academics,
Completely revised with updated descriptions, contact information, websites, and available monies, this guide to financing higher education is the only resource students need to fund their pursuit of
Adults can find the means to go back to school despite the pressures of work, family, and a mortgage with this guide to funding continued education. With expanded information on online and distance le
The only guidebook of its kind to combine extensive narrative college profiles with detailed data and statistics on each institution, this tome reports on more than 300 colleges and universities, addr
Dedicated to giving prospective students the edge they need to distinguish themselves among tens of thousands of peers, this guidebook demystifies the essay portion of the application process to the t
Helping applicants navigate the intricate yet vitally important essay process at elite schools such as Stanford ? a university that enrolls students from all 50 states and 52 countries and has an admi