We Often Speak of the Dignity owed to a person. And dignity is a word that regularly appears, in political speeches, Charters are promulgated in its name, and appeals to it are made when people all ov
What is the meaning of individualism in a modern democracy? In this rich and penetrating book, George Kateb examines the nature of individualism - the concept of self it implies, the ethic it sustains
This reprint is distinguished by a new preface reconsidering Emerson's Nature , a work that goes undiscussed in the text proper (Kateb moves toward the notion that Emerson's divinization of humanity
George Kateb has been one of the most respected and influential political theorists of the last quarter century. His work stands apart from that of many of his contemporaries and resists easy summary.
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great moral philosopher. One of his principle contributions is the theory of self-reliance, a view of democratic individuality. 'Nietzsche was Emerson's best reader,' and Geo
We often speak of the dignity owed to a person. And dignity is a word that regularly appears in political speeches. Charters are promulgated in its name, and appeals to it are made when people all ove
"The book concentrates on Lincoln's political ideas. His speeches, messages, and letters were powerful and concise; they are of lasting theoretical interest and repay close attentive reading. Lincoln'
Amid the twentieth century's seemingly overwhelming problems, some thinkers dared to envisage a world order governed by utopian proposals that would eliminate--or at least alleviate--the evils of soci
Since its first publication in 1859, few works of political philosophy have provoked such continuous controversy as John Stuart Mill's On Liberty, a passionate argument on behalf of freedom of self-ex